hello. I’m looking for advice regarding eczema prone skin. I have been suffering from steroid induced rosacea from years of steroid usage. I have recently had a third baby and pregnancy has always caused my skin yo flare up terribly. I also picked up a bacterial straph  infection from the open sores. 

At the moment my face is inflamed and my eyelids swollen. I’ve tried so so many products and just can’t seem to break through.i just purchased the big pot of eczema cream today. And am hopeful. Are you able to recommend any others?

With many thanks

I am very sorry to learn about your condition.  It appears as if one should start with a good Dermatologist, but I may advise on some products that should offer relief.

Wash with either the Cream or the Ointment as “soaps” and re-apply after drying. The Safari SPF40 Sunscreen will also offer safe sun protection as well as being a moisturiser too.