Good day

I have been scrolling and read about your products and services and I am seeking for help. I have a 1 year old daughter that is suffering from some sort of eczema (as previous doctors have diagnosed) and i was wondering what I could use for her skin in concern with itching, and flaking of the skin,   what can she use to bath and as a lotion


Thank you

Thank you for the request.

There are a few products that were developed by dr Hardie de Beer, the late Dermatologist, who specialised in eczema and similar conditions.  There are a few types of eczema and besides it being genetic and allergy-related, children may outgrow the condition. Some external factors also trigger the condition and by preventing them it may ease the symptoms.  Stress, water, avoid baby lying too long in water, soaps, bubble baths, shampoos, sand, grass, excessive exposure to heat, keep baby cool and in shade, as perspiration also irritates the condition.  Use the following products:

Apply the Ointment (for psoriasis and eczema) before bathing as a “soap” rinse off and re-apply the Ointment, or the Cream (dry skin moisturiser). This emoliates or moisturises the irritated skin.  Every time nappies are changes one can apply either.  The Safari Cleansing Bar is soapfree and can also be used as a “soap” and to was the scalp with.

A doctor may also supply a script for the following:  60g Persivate (cortizone) to be mixed (by the pharmacyst) into a 500g jar of Cream and this mixture is applied on the affected areas 2 x per day.  If the condition improves, stop the mixture and continue with the Cream and Ointment as mentioned.  The mixture has a good shelf life and can be re-applied when the condition flares up.  Diet does not trigger the condition and may deprive little ones of balanced nourishment.

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