Please help.
I have had eczema since i was a kid, i am in my 20s now, and the condition has gotten worse.
I have sever flare ups on my face, sometimes oozing. I normally avoid water, histamine rich foods, generally all things which may trigger the eczema. It is a horrible condition and keeps me up at night.
I have already tried ultra violet treatments, which were unsuccessful due to my skin being hyper sensitive to the treatments, and i needed to discontinue the treatments.
Certain cortisone creams sometimes help. How often can these be used?
Prednisone tablets also help with a flare up, but then my skin flares up again immediately once the course is done. Also are these types of tablets safe for long term use?
It is quite frustrating and I would really appreciate any advice you may have as to how I can move forward.
Thank you
I am so sorry to hear about the condition. We all miss dr Hardie de Beer who passed away, as he would have been the expert to have improved your condition.
Was the light treatment you had the “narrowband ultraviolat A and B”.? If not and you live in Pretoria, a visit to Isobel at Advanced Dermatology, Tel: 012 809 6090, may be informative as she has great success and worked closely with dr de Beer for many years,
There are some external factors one needs to avoid: Water, have quick showers and baths. Heat, as it caused perspiration, bubble baths, shampoos soaps, chemicals, sand, grass. Rather wear cotton and avoid nylon. Diet normally does not add much to the condition.
Herewith the products in the range that will add great value:
Wash with the soapfree Safari Cleansing Bar and apply the Cream (Dry skin moisturiser) or the Ointment (for Psoriasis and eczema). One can apply the Cream and/or the ointment alternatively a few time a day to keep the moisture levels. Wash the hair with the Zinc Pyrithione Shampoo. One can also alternate with the Coaltar Shampoo. Then there is a Coaltar Cream which can be applied at night and left on overnight.
When it comes to cortizone, it is advised to dilute it in the following way, which is less harmful that using it “neat”:
60g Persivate Cream (ie: 4 x 15g tubes) mixed by the pharmacist into
500g tub of Creme Classique Cream (dry skin moisturiser)
This mixture is to be applied 2 x per day until the condition improves and can safely be set aside and re-applied when the condition flares up.
I sincerely hope that the above may bring relief.