I’ve seen so many drs and dermatologist they say I have dermatitis it was only on my hands and has spread to my arms I’ve been given dovate I bought coal tar and ointment your products some days I have relief and then it gets sooooo red and itchy

Thank you for the enquiry.  It may be eczema which causes itchiness and burning.  There are a few external factors that aggrevate the condition:  water, minimise contact and have quick showers. One can “wash” with the Cream or the Ointment by applying it as a soap rinse off and re-apply either of them as emolients after shower.  The Coaltar cream can be applied 2 x pd.  One more item that can be used is the Safari Cleansing Bar, which is also soapfree.. The Zinc Pyrithian Shampoo is also safe and healing.

If a dr may kindly prescribe a cortisone such as Persivate (60 g) to be mixed into the  500g Jar of Cream to apply in a diluted form 2 – 3 x pd. If the condition eases up, the corisone mixture can be stopped until it flares up. In the interrum the clean jar of Cream/ and or Ointment is used as “soap” and emolient.

Chemicals such as commercial soaps, shampoos, bubble baths, solvents, dishwashing liquid and cleaners are to be avoided.  Avoid direct heat, as even perspiration irritates, as well as rather wearing pure cotton clothes.